Breastfeeding Awareness Week


Breastfeeding has been around since the beginning of time... a natural way of nourishment for your baby. They say "breast is best" and "it's the norm" ...
You're very caring family members and friends might tell you all sorts of experiences of their journey.... however, each mum's experience is her own.
So you’re a first time breast feeding Mum, or even your second or third time around.... You seem to have the latch sorted, or maybe you don’t quite yet. You are not sure if your baby is getting enough milk from you. And then suddenly, a painful, red hard lump appears on your breast, or maybe just around your areola. Oh no, you think, they warned me about this.. you’ve got a blocked duct. But what is a blocked duct, or Mastitis as they call it?

The breast is a wonderful part of anatomy. After birth... our brain and body stimulate milk production. Milk is then transported to the areolar (nipple), once the baby starts suckling. Milk flows through the ducts in the breast. When milk builds up in the ducts.... there can be a blockage that occurs. This can be caused by various reasons, such as:

- tight or uncomfortable bras, and clothing

- struggle with latching

- erratic feeding patterns

- not breastfeeding long enough, meaning emptying the breast.


Symptoms of Mastitis:

> Pain

> Fever

> Tenderness

> Inflammation / Swelling




1) Physiotherapists assist with massage, and lymphatic drainage of the area that is blocked; and teach you how to do it at home as well.

2) Ultrasound therapy to break down blockages and soften the breast tissue.

3) Warm compression with a wash rag, or heat bags.

4) Kinesiotape to assist in drainage and better circulation, as well as support.

5) Laser therapy to assist nipples / areolar strengthening, for good latching.


Should symptoms become more severe.... consult with a Doctor.

A little side note… Breastfeeding can be challenging... its a given. BUT don't wait for it to get to that point. Listen to your body and go with your intuition. There is a tremendous amount of help out there... So don't be shy to ask...Your mental health, your wellbeing and your baby's health is far more important that forcing something that may not be working for you and your baby.



with love... from one mum to another!

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