Soccer, also known as “football” has become a growing sport among our youth. It is the most popular sport, and the fun to play. It is easy to play and a great spurce of exercise. On as serious note, the risk of injury is quite high…. E.g. colliding with another player, kicking awkwardly, and falling. It is a high-paced game that requires all aspects of fitness!
Regular training with a team is most vital and beneficial. Training builds muscle tone increases flexibility, stamina (endurance) and overall strength. It is a high-paced game that requires a high level of stamina, agility, and balance.
When players sustain an injury, it must be looked at immediately. Play should be stopped, to avoid more serious injuries. Physiotherapists assess the injury and provides a plan of treatment along with the natural healing process. Rehabilitation exercises are important when returning to play, and maintenance thereafter.
In this blog, we will discuss the various injuries suffered by soccer players, and prevention strategies.



Prevention of Soccer Injuries
The most common contributing factors of injuries are:

  • Lack of warm up and inadequate training (agility, strengthen and stretch etc.) in preparation for match days.
  • Lack of Protective gear
  • Inappropriate soccer boots/togs.
  • Playing on uneven terrain with holes and ditches.
  • Playing if you feel tired or lack energy, as you might be more prone to injury.
  • Inadequate water intake.
  • Increased levels of sugar in the diet leads to decreased concentration and energy during match days and training.


In case of injury: 

Immediate treatment should be taken after injury. Participation should be stopped followed by evaluation and proper treatment.  Minor injuries can be treated by rest, ice, and elevation. Consult a doctor or your physiotherapist immediately after the injury.


Role of the Physiotherapist:Your physiotherapist designs an exercise program to strengthen the muscles that support your knees, ankles, and legs which help protect the player from injury. The therapists help to fully rehabilitate the player to prevent further injury and to return the player to training in the shortest possible time.


 When should your child see a Physiotherapist?

Because our primary goal is the future health and well-being of our patients, we want to see your child as soon as you notice certain symptoms of strain and possible injury. These might include:

  • Limping or difficulty walking
  • Discomfort when sitting for prolonged periods.
  • Stiff legs or knees when getting up.
  • Unusual weakness while trying to lift or carry something.
  • Pain strong enough to require pain medication more than 2 days in a row.
  • Reduced physical performance.


Asma Omar Physiotherapy offers assessments and treatment of sports innjuries.

We also offer pre-season assessments to make sure you are fit and ready for the sporting season!

Contact us on 082 727 3656 or email us on asmaomaracc@gmail.com

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